Anchor Guardian Anchoring Monitor
Anchoring is one of the most dangerous conditions for a ship
It is physically impossible that an anchor will always hold:
Despite advanced navigation equipment, it is currently not possible for a ship’s crew to know in real time whether, by how much and how fast the anchor is dragging.
A dragging anchor causes environmental havoc:
Even the most careful laying of an anchor can be devastating, posing a significant threat to fragile marine ecosystems and, in a worst case scenario, causing environmental damage.
AnchorGuardian predicts the anchor hold with early warnings and provides intelligent data to support the crew while laying the anchor, while anchored, and while lifting the anchor.
For the first time, using sensor fusion and sophisticated algorithms, the technology can build a stable dataset of the anchor’s relative and absolute position, providing reliable information over the entire anchoring procedure. The patented technology operates independent of any movement of the ship.
Depth, scope and orientation
From the moment the anchor hits the water, AnchorGuardian begins sending in real time information to the captain and crew. At any given moment, the anchor module sends updates regarding the distance to boat and distance to seafloor. Once on the ground, the orientation of the anchor and the scope are shown on the display.
Force, velocity and anchor hold prediction
Module activities include prediction of anchor hold, force on anchor and anchor chain angle including length of chain cast out. Should movement take place, immediate alarms sound providing anchor displacement and anchor velocity data. Anchor position is continuously visible on the GPS plotter, ECDIS or a tablet which can be provided as an option of the AnchorGuardian system.
Location, freedom to manoeuvre and storing completion
Information including the anchor location, when the anchor leaves the sediment and when the boat is free to maneuver are provided. Completing the anchoring process, data is given as to when the anchor is in sight, out of the water and finally stowed.
Physical Specification
Technical Specification
General Specification